Jontell Parham

Client Success Manager

Jontell may be more soft-spoken than many of us Hoppy Sisters (send her help!), but you can't turn down the volume on either her intellect or her talent. She is incredibly insightful and the kind of woman who can throw out a #truthbomb at any given moment. Jontell has a thriving side hustle doing brand photography, where she truly understands how important it is to visually represent a company's identity to the world. This skill makes her a total weapon for her wedding venue clients who benefit immensely from that discerning eye. Simply stated, Jontell makes this world a better place just by living in it. We are lucky she chose us and grateful for the calm spirit she brings to our rowdy crew.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Favorite things: Vanil­la lattes, pinot gri­gio, movie nights with but­tery pop­corn, fall weath­er, real­i­ty TV shows, pho­tog­ra­phy, evening walks, adding new books to my read­ing list.

How I spend my free time: Pho­tog­ra­phy, try­ing a new recipe, read­ing in cozy cof­fee shops.

Film that I never get sick of watching: Prob­a­bly an unex­pect­ed answer, but I’ve seen Spi­der-Man: Into the Spi­der-Verse more times than I can count!

Guilty pleasure: Choco­late chip cook­ies — I keep home­made dough in the freez­er so they’re always on hand.

Most unrealistic life goal: Becom­ing a morn­ing per­son. No amount of cof­fee has got­ten me there yet! I’m a very hap­py night owl.

Dream vacation spot: Moroc­co or some­where on the Amal­fi Coast!

Favorite way to wind down after a hard day: Wine and an episode of what­ev­er Real House­wives sea­son is airing.

Childhood career choice: I want­ed to be a teacher, bak­er, and artist when I was younger — all at one time. Bak­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy are still my favorite hobbies!