Richelle Clay

Client Success Manager

We love Richelle!

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Pronouns: she / her / hers

Domestic status: Isn’t it amaz­ing how fate works in mys­te­ri­ous ways? I actu­al­ly met my hus­band in a psy­chol­o­gy class back in col­lege and we were both blown away when we found out that we grew up just two blocks away from each oth­er! We lost touch for a while but luck­i­ly, we recon­nect­ed through a mutu­al friend. Even though we were in dif­fer­ent cities (I was in Hous­ton while he was in New Orleans), we start­ed dat­ing and made it work despite the dis­tance. It was dur­ing the pan­dem­ic that we got engaged in 2020 and final­ly tied the knot in 2021.

Things I can't live without: Iced matcha, Flori­da State Semi­noles foot­ball, sleep eye mask, banana sand­wich­es, blan­kets, mac­a­roni & cheese, and kayaking.

Favorite wedding detail from my own wedding: We want­ed our fur­ry friend Nixon to be a part of our spe­cial day, even if he could­n’t phys­i­cal­ly be there. That’s why I came up with the idea of serv­ing a spe­cial cock­tail dur­ing the cock­tail hour — the Nixon-rita”! Our loved ones all adore Nixon, so it was a big hit and added a lit­tle some­thing spe­cial to our celebration.

Movie I never get sick of watching: The Princess Diaries.

What I'm listening to: I real­ly love lis­ten­ing to alter­na­tive R&B, Bey­once, and pod­casts that cov­er a wide range of top­ics like pop cul­ture, fem­i­nine ener­gy, finance, and men­tal health awareness. 

Places I’ve lived: Tam­pa, Tal­la­has­see, Asheville, Hous­ton, Orlan­do, and Gold­en Isles on the Geor­gia coast.

Exercise preference: HIIT, Pure Barre, Run­ning, Pilates, Yoga, and Dance Fitness.

Favorite quote: I don’t know the secret to hap­pi­ness, but I’ll tell you I’ve nev­er been sad in a Mex­i­can restau­rant.” — said some meme somewhere