Christina Kessler

Client Success Manager

We love Christina!

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How I start my morning: Enjoy­ing my morn­ing cof­fee while read­ing my dai­ly devo­tion­al and snug­gling with my Great Pyre­nees babies!

A film that I never get sick of watching: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days! Whether I’m hap­py, sad, or in between, this is my go-to movie every time!

How I spend my free time: Gar­den­ing, enjoy­ing the sun­shine, try­ing out new recipes from Tik­Tok, going for runs with my dogs, or drink­ing mar­gar­i­tas with my besties.

What I'm listening to: Crime Junkies Pod­cast and a wide vari­ety of music — coun­try, alter­na­tive, and ear­ly 2000s hip hop!

Favorite way to wind down after a long day: A glass of pinot noir and sev­er­al hand­fuls of dark choco­late chips while watch­ing a clas­sic rom-com. 

Dream vacation: Any­where in Asia! Bali, Sin­ga­pore, Japan, Thai­land. I can’t pick just one!

My perfect afternoon: There is noth­ing bet­ter than spend­ing an after­noon dri­ving a golf cart, attempt­ing” to play golf, and fin­ish­ing the evening with a com­pet­i­tive game of pickleball. 

What I love most about my job: Where do I even start? The gen­uine love from every­one here, the work-life bal­ance, and the abil­i­ty to look at beau­ti­ful wed­ding venues all day long!