Madison Woodhouse

Client Success Manager

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Domestic Status: Mar­ried to the love of my life, Cory! He is sim­ply the best and I learn so much from him every day — and he’s hot, so win-win for me!

Best Marriage Advice: Make sure that you like AND love the per­son you are mak­ing vows to. There is a lot in your lives that will change, and some days you won’t want to give 100% into your rela­tion­ship, but hav­ing a strong foun­da­tion with your per­son will make it all worth it. You at 25 will be a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent per­son than you at 50, and it will be the same for your spouse. If you pri­or­i­tize grow­ing togeth­er even though you are dif­fer­ent peo­ple, com­mu­ni­cat­ing through­out each change about what is impor­tant, and tack­ling each sit­u­a­tion head-on rather than sweep­ing it under the rug, you will build a last­ing foun­da­tion that will stand the test of time no mat­ter what changes come your way.

Fictional Character I Most Identify With: Win­ston Sainte-Marie Schmidt, from New Girl. Although I don’t have a douchebag jar, I fre­quent­ly mis­pro­nounce words, have a taste for the fin­er things in life, and will always love man­go chutney…or real­ly any type of chutney. 

Celebrity I Would Most Like To Have A One-on-One Date With: Ian Somer­halder. I have a thing for the bad boy types and will for­ev­er be #team­da­mon. Have you seen his blue eyes??? 

Dream Vacation Spot: It is on my buck­et list to go to Scot­land! I’ve always had a deep long­ing to be among the Scot­tish High­lands, but for now, I will have to get my fill watch­ing Out­lander.

Favorite Things: My fur babies, dark choco­late, movie nights with my hub­by, blue­ber­ry muffins, linen dress­es, hear­ing the birds chirp on an ear­ly spring morn­ing, evening walks, chick­en nuggets, and Jesus. 

Films I Never Get Tired Of Watching: All of the Shrek movies — they are prime con­tent and you won’t con­vince me oth­er­wise. Also Legal­ly Blonde, Sleep­over (my dad got me a tiny green car because I used to watch this movie non-stop), and pret­ty much any oth­er chick flick. 

Life Goal: Sell every­thing and trav­el full-time! I want to fol­low the sea­sons and wake up with the world as my back­yard. I am a nomad at heart and crave new experiences! 

What I Love Most About My Job: The peo­ple. HCTG is a safe place to be your­self; I have nev­er felt ashamed of show­ing 100% of who I am and that feels like a big warm hug on a win­ter day.