Mary Claire Newcomb

Regional Sales Lead

You know those people who can instantly pull you out of a funk with a one-line zinger that has you literally LOL’ing. Yep, MaryClaire is that girl: witty, super sharp, and comfortable in her own skin. Now that she’s joined our team, we just can’t imagine how we functioned without her. When she isn’t chatting it up with her clients and making their day undoubtedly more enjoyable, she's outdoors soaking in the fresh air and beauty of nature with her daughter and husband. Oh, and she's also a jewelry designer and maker. No wonder she’s the ultimate gem.

Insider Info

Domestic status: Mar­ried for 18 years to my hilar­i­ous, easy-on-the-eyes, and intre­pid adven­ture part­ner. Fun fact? Our 3rd or 4th date ever we took off for Paris with open-end­ed flights, and back­packed across Europe for a month. When we ran out of mon­ey — and I mean all the way out — we came home. Every­thing seemed easy after that.

Walked down the aisle to: Wow. I have no idea. Not even a slight mem­o­ry of this. Was there even an aisle? I was ter­ri­ble at every­thing wed­ding-relat­ed, but had an amaz­ing time. OutKast’s ​“Hey Ya!” was def­i­nite­ly our song.

Extracurricular activities: Invent­ing new home­made ice cream fla­vors, dis­cov­er­ing secret trails, cre­at­ing jew­el­ry and small sculpture.

Proudest achievement: Hik­ing the entire 11-mile Na Pali coast of Kauai. I nev­er thought I could do it, but I did the whole thing!

Most unrealistic life goal: Match­ing my socks. I just will nev­er be that per­son. Any­thing else is possible.

Guilty pleasure: True crime pod­casts (real­ly all pod­casts), The Great British Bak­ing Show, and bour­bon. Actu­al­ly, I don’t quite feel guilty about any of these.

Childhood career choice: Archae­ol­o­gist, until my broth­ers told me there would like­ly be snakes involved.

Staff person I turn to most often for help: Jes­si­ca—she lured me into #hop­pylife (thank you, uni­verse!) and always gives me amaz­ing guidance/​makes me laugh at myself.

Best premarital advice: “Say what you want.” It seems so easy, and yet I have to remind myself to do this, still, all the time.

Favorite Quote: “Per­fec­tion is the ene­my of good.” (Just do it already!)

What I love most about my job: Have you seen this mar­vel of uni­corns?! Each per­son is incred­i­bly clever, kind, and true to who they are. I could nev­er ask for more than that, and it’s some­thing I am still in total awe of.