Natalie Coté

Client Success Manager

We've suspected for some time that Natalie carries a hidden magic wand because she effortlessly improves everything she touches. Her event planning background gave her some sharp problem-solving skills and an even sharper wit, which she now uses to help our clients better understand their strengths—leaving them feeling like they've known her forever by the end of a quick conversation. Whether she's snuggling her sweet baby George, running with her puppy Penny, or sweating it out in her favorite Peloton class, she does it with a warmth and fearless authenticity that would make Taylor Swift pause and take notes for a new song. We're still searching for the source of that magical energy...because that sparkle is real!

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Domestic Status: Mar­ried to my col­lege sweet­heart. We have a beau­ti­ful baby boy (born Sep­tem­ber 2023) named George and an Irish Set­ter named Penny.

Walked Down The Aisle To: Ever see Crazy Rich Asians? Yes, that song!

Favorite Things: Tay­lor Swift (big-time Swiftie here!), a sun­ny and 75-degree day with a very slight breeze, going to get ice cream after a day at the beach, that first fall morn­ing where you get to break out your chunky sweater and order a chai tea lat­te, get­ting in a good work­out then treat­ing your­self to an amaz­ing break­fast, read­ing in a cozy cor­ner, a glass of rosé in the sum­mer­time or red wine in the winter.

Where I Live: A small beach town in south­east­ern Mass­a­chu­setts. We live walk­ing dis­tance to the beach and you can smell the salt in the air on sum­mer morn­ings. Our town is known for its oys­ters and is one of the only towns in MA with a dri­ve-on beach! I absolute­ly love my lit­tle town and all its charm.

Favorite Books: In no par­tic­u­lar order? A Lit­tle Life, The Kite Run­ner, Out­lander, and Har­ry Potter.

Where Did I Go On My Honeymoon: Maui! It is still our favorite trip we have ever been on togeth­er and I rec­om­mend it to any­one, espe­cial­ly East Coast cou­ples who may not make it to Hawaii any oth­er time! 

Favorite Wedding Moment: I have many, but a stand­out to me was that my best friend from child­hood sang our first dance song (Tener­ife Sea by Ed Sheer­an) and it was one of the most spe­cial moments of the reception.

What I Love Most About My Job: Every­thing!!! I have nev­er been part of a more sup­port­ive group of amaz­ing women. I feel lucky to have found my place at Here Comes The Guide where every­one is accept­ed and cel­e­brat­ed for what they bring to the table. I love that I can be a mom to my lit­tle baby and not feel like I am sac­ri­fic­ing one very impor­tant job (moth­er­hood!) for anoth­er. I can do both! And do them with my full heart!