Spring Cullen

Regional Sales Manager

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Pronouns: she/​her/​hers

Favorite wedding-related movie: The Wed­ding Singer, hands down. Drew Bar­ry­more is still some­how an under­rat­ed gem, I quote it more than any­one should, and it’s one of those movies that’s fre­quent­ly on TV and despite see­ing it a mil­lion times I always get caught up in it when it’s on. The stage ver­sion holds up, too.

Celebrity I would most like to have a one-on-one date with: Hugh Jack­man. It’ll always be Hugh for me. Wolver­ine with an Aus­tralian accent and the abil­i­ty to tap dance? You can’t beat that. Zac Efron is a VERY close sec­ond — we go way back. I still have a poster of his Rolling Stone cov­er rolled up some­where in my room.

Dream vacation spot: Greece. It’s stun­ning and I need to live out my Mam­ma Mia fantasies.

My biggest vice: Ore­os. I can’t be trust­ed around them.

What pushes my panic button: Bugs, espe­cial­ly if they can fly. And most birds — includ­ing some species of ducks that are ter­ri­fy­ing in packs.

Favorite quote: For­get regret, or life is yours to miss.” — Jonathan Lar­son

My favorite things: My dog Lucky, the New York Yan­kees, 90s music, WB/CW-type Teen Dra­mas, and Tay­lor Swift. 

Childhood Career Choice: Every­thing. Talk show host, base­ball play­er, rock­star, and actress, then there was the era after I saw Legal­ly Blonde and want­ed to be a lawyer.

Theme song: Some­times it’s Sols­bury Hill by Peter Gabriel, but most of the time it’s Good Vibra­tions by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.